Java Full Stack Development in Telugu
- Level : Beginner to Advanced
- Mode : Recorded
- Access : Life Time
- Duration : 100+ Hours
- Language : Telugu
- Teaching Notes : Yes
- Certificate :Yes
- Doubts Clarification : Yes
This course has been designed by professional and most experienced mentor so that we can share our knowledge and help you learn theory in understandable way and coding libraries in a more simple way. We will walk you step-by-step into the World of Web Development using Java Full Stack in telugu. With every tutorial, you will develop new skills and improve your understanding of this challenging yet lucrative sub-field of Java Full Stack.
What will you learn?
- On-demand pre recorded tutorials, learn anytime
- Learn complete knolwedge on Core Java
- Learn how to design websites using HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Understand how JDBC works?
- Develop Web Applications using Servlets, JSP & JDBC
- Deep understanding of Spring Framework concepts
- Developing REST API using Spring Boot
- Knowledge on MicroServices and SQL Concepts
Course Curriculum
Available in
after you enroll
- Intoduction to Java (20:30)
- How to install jdk software (5:59)
- Features of Java (16:51)
- Java Virtual Machine (14:19)
- How to write comments in Java (7:53)
- How to compile and execute java programs (24:10)
- Data Types in Java (19:25)
- Operators in Java (52:30)
- Control Statements in Java (51:46)
- Input and Output in Java (51:05)
- Arrays in Java (40:23)
- Multi Dimensional Arrays in Java (43:50)
- Strings in Java (101:25)
- StringBuffer in Java (47:37)
- StringBuilder in Java (10:50)
- Introduction to OOP (16:31)
- OOP Features (29:52)
- Class and Object in Java (38:13)
- Methods in Java (70:32)
- Constructors in Java (66:13)
- Inheritance in Java (42:40)
- Types of Inheritance in Java (33:46)
- super keyword in Java (45:38)
- abstract classes in java (60:25)
- interfaces in java (52:53)
- packages in java (62:57)
- access modifiers in java (45:54)
- Use of final keyword in Java (22:06)
- Exception Handling in Java (51:18)
- User Defined Exceptions in Java (36:04)
- command line arguments (12:23)
- Introduction to Files Concept in Java (16:18)
- File read and write operations in Java (97:46)
- Wrapper classes in Java (19:30)
- Collections in Java Part-I (94:33)
- Collections in Java Part-II (108:30)
- java.util pacakge (61:57)
- Multi-Threading in Java Part-I (65:59)
- Multi-Threading in Java Part-II (92:24)
- awt in java part-I (104:24)
- awt in java part-II (72:57)
- awt in java part-III (96:09)
- swings in java part-I (101:22)
- swings in java part-II (88:58)
- Applets in java (54:12)
- Regular expressions in Java (81:33)
- Miscellaneous topics (36:39)
- OOP Concepts Implementations (9:18)
- Lambda Expressions in Java (33:50)
- Notes PDF
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after you enroll
- Introduction to HTML (19:42)
- How to create and run HTML Programs (7:46)
- Heading tags in HTML (4:40)
- Paragraph tag in HTML (4:17)
- Text formatting tags in html (19:01)
- Hyperlinks in HTML (15:11)
- Inserting images into webpages (11:24)
- Tables in html (23:59)
- Lists in HTML (17:03)
- Frames in HTML (15:39)
- Forms in HTML (68:44)
- How to design basic website without css (58:03)
- Teaching Notes
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after you enroll
- CSS introduction in telugu (14:17)
- Inline style sheets tutorial in telugu (13:33)
- Internal style sheets tutorial in telugu (15:05)
- External style sheets tutorial in telugu (22:13)
- CSS selectors turorial in telugu (71:47)
- CSS-color-properties-tutorial-in-telugu (14:30)
- Background styles in css (20:39)
- Border styles in css (19:58)
- Margin styles in css (14:54)
- Padding styles in css (9:31)
- Text styles in css (25:20)
- Font styles in css (11:28)
- Teaching Notes
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after you enroll
- javascript introduction in telugu (7:34)
- output in javascript (24:42)
- Comments in javascript (4:04)
- varables and datatypes in javascript (7:25)
- Popup boxes in javascript (12:10)
- Operators in javascript (28:59)
- Functions in javascript (23:26)
- Arrays in javascript (7:10)
- Control statements in javascript (28:33)
- Javascript date (12:18)
- Objects in javascript (18:48)
- Javascript events (20:47)
- Errors in javascript (23:20)
- website-assignment (13:54)
- Website_assignment_solution (184:18)
- Teaching Notes
Available in
after you enroll
- Introduction to the course (4:17)
- Database Concept Basics (50:35)
- JDBC in telugu (14:42)
- jdbc-mysql connectivity (67:28)
- java oracle connectivity (17:24)
- Retrieving data from database (37:56)
- SQL-Injection (38:16)
- Prepared Statement (40:42)
- Callable Statement (32:37)
- Result set types (5:01)
- System Properties (24:43)
- JDBC Driver Types (10:47)
- java.sql package (10:55)
- Introduction to webapplications (50:05)
- projects setup (20:13)
- Introduction to servlets (7:06)
- Creating First Servlet Project (71:30)
- Multiple servlets (25:58)
- JDBC in Servlets (51:44)
- Registration and Login using servlets (67:41)
- Passing Parameters to Servlets (61:31)
- Introduction to JSP (23:30)
- JSP Elements (16:17)
- JSP Declarations (14:06)
- JSP Expressions (13:21)
- JSP Directives (40:15)
- JSP Action Tags (32:41)
- Custom Tags in JSP (28:22)
- Implicit variables in JSP (18:29)
- State Management (81:19)
- Java Beans (36:01)
- MVC Pattern (26:41)
- Notes PDF
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after you enroll
- Introduction to spring framework (22:29)
- Software setup (15:38)
- Dependency Injection (38:00)
- Spring ioc container part-1 (40:47)
- Spring ioc container part-II (9:30)
- Spring Container (22:56)
- XML Introduction (43:22)
- Creating First Maven Project (33:30)
- Setter Injection for primitive values (62:49)
- Injecting collection objects (28:04)
- Injecting References (11:19)
- Constructor Injection (37:32)
- Autowiring in spring (43:23)
- Dao Design Pattern part-I (59:07)
- Dao Design Pattern Part-II (62:02)
- Sping jdbc part-1 (50:28)
- Spring jdbc part-II (39:29)
- Spring Hibernate part-1 (56:01)
- Spring Hibernate part-II (66:40)
- Spring Hibernate Part-III (49:34)
- Spring MVC Part-I (43:02)
- Spring MVC Part-II (51:23)
- Spring MVC Project Assignment (16:27)
- my-diary project solution part-I (62:04)
- my-diary project solution part-II (104:45)
- my-diary project solution part-III (65:36)
- my-diary project solution part-IV (65:41)
- mydiary-source-code
- Spring MVC Java-based Configurations (34:21)
- Teaching Notes
Available in
after you enroll
- Introduction (16:18)
- Software-Setup (11:30)
- First SpringBoot Project (36:46)
- Spring boot jpa project (77:48)
- Spring boot project assignment (4:18)
- Spring boot mydiary mvc app (81:48)
- JSON Tutorial (38:54)
- What-is-API (22:06)
- what is rest api (45:53)
- creating rest api using spring boot (67:10)
- Rest API for POST requests (18:33)
- Rest API for PUT requests (12:11)
- Rest API for GET requests (6:27)
- Rest API for DELETE requests (4:07)
- REST API for UPDATE Requests (9:18)
- REST API for PATCH Requests (13:49)
- REST API Creation for MyDiary APP (18:49)
- Setting Context Path of a Project (6:54)
- Creating Rest Client and perform REST API Calls (40:20)
- RestTemplate class (40:03)
- MyDiary RestClient implementation assignment
- Spring Security Basics (25:00)
- Spring security part-II (40:51)
- Spring security part-III (27:38)
- bcrypt encoding of passwords (11:35)
- relations-between-tables-in-database-management-system (17:20)
- role based authorizations using spring security (42:41)
- Stateful vs Stateless Authentication
- JWT Introduction
- Token Generation and Validation using JWT (53:03)
Available in
after you enroll
- Introduction to microservices (23:30)
- microservices criteria (8:25)
- Microservices architecture (16:11)
- spring-cloud-intro (12:47)
- patient registration microservice (23:37)
- Doctor consultation microservice (23:12)
- service registry and discovery implementation using Netflix eureka server (25:54)
- rest client implementation using openfeign (40:33)
- api gateway (27:59)
- Notes PDF
- spring cloud sleuth - Distributed Tracing (7:02)
- Micrometer Tracing (17:12)
- Teaching Notes (Spring Boot & Microservices)
Available in
after you enroll
- SQL Course Overview (7:35)
- Introduction to DBMS (15:01)
- Types of DBMS (26:12)
- What is Meta Data (11:07)
- Installing Oracle (13:52)
- SQL sub languages (22:29)
- SQL-Datatypes-Introduction (15:52)
- character-data-types-in-oracle (19:40)
- number-data-types-in-sql (15:53)
- long-and-raw-datatypes (4:54)
- datetime-data-types-in-sql (21:05)
- Large-Object-data-types (8:01)
- rowid-urowid-in-oracle (7:20)
- What is DDL (11:28)
- create in ddl (11:10)
- alter in ddl (15:18)
- truncate in ddl (8:23)
- rename in ddl (3:19)
- drop, flashback, purge in ddl (36:57)
- What is DML (7:40)
- insert in DML (32:02)
- update in DML (17:21)
- delete in DML (6:01)
- insert all in DML (18:39)
- merge in DML (19:55)
- DRL / DQL (34:04)
- Arithmetic Operators in SQL (5:47)
- Relational Operators in SQL (5:38)
- Logical Operators in SQL (7:58)
- Special Operators in SQL (34:59)
- Set Operators in SQL (14:59)
- Concatenation Operator in SQL (2:41)
- Transaction Control Language (TCL) (30:45)
- Data Control Language (DCL) (28:25)
- Group By Clause in SQL (28:28)
- HAVING Clause (15:03)
- Introduction to join (27:32)
- equijoin in SQL (32:15)
- nonequijoin in SQL (24:47)
- Outer Join in SQL (21:18)
- Self Join in SQL (10:18)
- Cross Join in SQL (5:17)
- Introduction to Subqueries (16:03)
- when should we use subqueries (16:09)
- Types of subqueries (10:12)
- Non-Correlated Subqueries (34:23)
- Correlated Subqueries (17:29)
- Inline-view Subqueries (5:24)
- Scalar Subqueries (12:36)
- Introduction to Constraints in SQL (5:55)
- Not Null Constraint in SQL (18:47)
- Default Constraint in SQL (11:12)
- Check Constraint in SQL (27:43)
- Primary Key Constraint in SQL (34:10)
- Unique Key Constraint in SQL (18:52)
- Foreign Key Constraint in SQL (38:35)
- Summary on Constraints (20:37)
- Set Operators in SQL (16:45)
- Introduction to PL/SQL (16:28)
- PL/SQL Procedures (24:52)
- Variables in PL/SQL (20:11)
- String Datatypes in PL/SQL (17:47)
- String functions in PL/SQL (31:01)
- Number Datatypes in PL/SQL (8:12)
- Number related Functions (43:13)
- Date Datatypes in PL/SQL (11:14)
- Date Functions in PL/SQL (20:17)
- How to read input from user in PL/SQL (10:21)
- %TYPE and %ROWTYPE in PL/SQL (21:18)
- Control Statements in PL/SQL (9:38)
- If Statement in PL/SQL (36:57)
- Case in PL/SQL (20:26)
- For loop in PL/SQL (30:40)
- While and Simple Loops (18:45)
- Introduction to Cursors (15:03)
- Implementing Cursors in PL/SQL (44:23)
- Ref Cursors in PL/SQL (8:49)
- Error Handling in PL/SQL (48:40)
Available in
after you enroll
- Introduction to GIT
- Installing GIT
- Setting configuration
- How to get Repository
- GIT States
- GIT Short Status
- GIT Diff
- Ignoring Files
- Skipping the staging area
- Removing files from GIT
- Moving a file in GIT
- GIT Commit History
- Creating Remote Repository
- How to use GIT in VS Code
- GIT Tags
- How to clone a repository
- Branch Management in GIT
- Merging Branches in GIT
- Merging with GIT Rebase
- Merge Conflicts
- How to revert back to previous commits
- How to switch to other branches without commit
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